High-quality and high-performing
Sustainable Seed Solutions offers a wide variety of products for your ag operation. We are proud dealers for Beck’s Hybrids and Brevant Seeds. Keep reading to learn more specifics about the products we offer.
Traited Products
SSS offers almost every trait technology on the market through its brands. Let us put Seed……Honestly to work for you as we help you through placement with regards to soil, tillage system, insect pressure, and regional performance of our hybrids and an honest comparison to others. Our promise to you is Seed…….Honestly!
Beck’s Corn Products
Roundup Ready, Agrisure (GT ,Viptera, 3000GT, Viptera 3110, Viptera 3111), Duracade, Duracade Viptera, Optimum AcreMax, Optimum Acremax Liptera, Qrome, VT Double Pro, Trecepta, SmartStax
Brevant Corn Products
Qrome, Vorceed, Optimum AcreMax, Optimum Aquamax
Beck’s Soybean Products:
Enlist E3, XtendFlex
Brevant Soybean Products
Enlist E3

SSS offers both treated and untreated non-GMO corn and soybean seeds with unrivaled quality and purities. We have a full lineup of both corn and soybeans to suit your soil types, management system, and desires from an offensive or defensive product. We also offer a full lineup of USDA certified Organic Seeds. Let us put the right seed on the right acre for you with Seed……Honestly!

Sustainable Seeds carries a full lineup of Organic Corn and Soybeans through Great Harvest Organics by Beck’s Hybrids. we also offer untreated Non GMO seed to supply the USDA Organic market to meet individual needs of producers and end users. These products have been specifically selected to work well in your organic and transitional acres with regards to canopy, disease, and overall plant health to help you consistently perform on your Organic acres. Whether you are raising Food Grade or Feed Grade Organic we can help you place the product on the right acre with Seed…..Honestly!

Cover Crops
Sustainable Seeds offers a full line of customizable, pre mixed, or single species cover crops to fit your needs. If you are looking for weed suppression, organic matter improvement, soil health improvement, compaction reduction or whatever your goal we have a way to help you!